The Office

Season 2
So I bought The Office: Season 2 a couple of weeks ago and I've already seen the whole season, like 7 hours worth. I have no idea how I found the time to watch all the episodes considering work and school, but I did. The second season does add more elements to the mix than the first six episodes of the first season. The "JAM" or "Jim and Pam" story has developed a lot more now. Roy decideds to set a date for the wedding and it seems like Jim is going to transfer to another branch. I know this sounds totally chick, but they look like a good couple, they're just too afraid to admit or something. However, in the last episode Jim tells Pam that he's in love with her and they kiss. NIIIIIIIIIICCCCEEEE. Also, the manager Michael Scott seems to be his usualy annoying self, but I think I just got used to him now, so his character doesn't bother me as much now. Dwight fucking hilarious as usual and has a relationship with one of the more odd characters Angela. Supporting cast members have definitely emerged like Stanley, Toby, Kevin, Angela, Ryan, and Kelly. Also, they took The Office out of the office. They started shooting outside of the workplace like Chili's, the parking lot, Jim's house, the warehouse for Casino Night, and a cruise ship. So it's nice to see how the characters act outside of the workplace. Overall, I really like this season because it continues to be fucking hilarious and the "Jim and Pam" story is nicely developing. I know The Office is already in its third season and I hope to watch that one on tv when I can find some time.
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